My Personal Story Combatting Cedar Fever

While Austin is a great place to live, during the Cedar Fever season, starting November until March, many people suffer from annoying and irritating allergies that impact their quality of life.

Cedar Fever is a seasonal allergy brought on by allergic reaction to the pollen from mountain cedar trees in Central Texas. It’s an acute inflammatory reaction in the airway causing runny nose (allergic rhinitis a.k.a. hay fever), nasal blockage, teary and itchy eyes, sneezes, sore throat, ear plugging, eczema, fatigue and/or mild headache.
Allergy is the hypersensitivity reaction when a person is repetitively exposed to specific “allergens” and develops allergic antibodies immunoglobulin E or IgE. Common allergens include materials and particles in the air and environment such as dust mites, molds, pet dander, tree pollen, grasses, weeds, foods, drugs and stinging insect venoms.
When the IgE binds to allergic cells, called mast cells or basophils, these cells release mast cell contents such as histamine, a chemical that causes hives, runny nose, sneezing and itching. Mast cells are part of the immune system and are normally present in many body tissues, particularly the skin, lungs, and lining of the intestines. 
Until moving to Austin from California about ten years ago, I've never experienced seasonal allergies in my entire life. In the winter of 2005, I started developing a series of allergic reactions. I had horrendous sneezing attacks all day long. My nose was so stuffed up that I couldn’t breath. My eyes were blood-shot and swollen so I couldn’t open one eye. My ears and throat were itchy. My skin was covered by severe itchy eczema all over my body. I suffered miserably every Cedar Fever season. I’ve tried acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine and allergy elimination technique called NAET. They all helped me a little bit, but what helped me most is a combination of the purification program, whole food nutrition and dietary regimen. Now, for the past couple of years, I’m Cedar Fever free 90% of time! I may occasionally sneeze or my skin feels itchy, but this doesn’t last long. You can imagine how relieved I feel? I’d like to share my experience treating Cedar Fever symptoms, personally and clinically.

Natural Remedies:
While popular over-the-counter medications such as Zyrtec, Allegra, Claritin, Benadryl or steroid nasal sprays are available, natural remedies can effectively relieve the allergic symptoms as well.
Clinically, one of the most effective ways to quickly reduce a histamine-induced allergic reaction is to use Antronex. This product manufactured by Standard Process contains Yakriton, discovered by Japanese researchers in the 1920’s for its antihistaminic effect in the liver. It’s an excellent choice for people with allergies and asthma. If a person needs a high dosage of AntronexAlbizia Complex by MediHerb may be a better choice. If itchiness in the eyes, throat and ears are more prevalent, I suggest Sinus Forte (MediHerb). It contains Eyebright, an excellent herb for inflamed mucus membrane and excessive mucus. It’s amazing.
Also, Spleen support is clinically very important for our immune system. Spleen PMG and Spleen Desiccated are an excellent source of the well-documented superoxide dismutase (SOD), a copper-zinc containing enzyme known for it’s anti-free radial effects. They support enzyme response to inflammation and allergies.
You may be wondering which products will be the most helpful for you? Although some of these products may be available online, I think it’s very important to understand your compatibility with these whole-food based supplements and your ideal dosage as determined by Nutrition Response Testing. If there are any food sensitivities causing allergies, Nutrition Response Testing can quickly identify them. This unique technique eliminates guess-work. For more information, please click here: Nutrition Response Testing
 21-Day Purification Program
I think this program is what rescued me from Cedar Fever misery because of its systemic purification effect and support for immune system.
Benefits of 21-Day Purification Program:

  • Supports body’s natural ability for toxin-elimination function
  • Supports healthy kidney, liver and gall-bladder function
  • Supports Phase I, II and III detoxificatio
  • Promotes healthy elimination
  • Encourages healthy digestive function
  • Supports Intestinal and immune system
  • Supports cholesterol metabolism
  • Allows healthy weight loss

Natural Nasal Sprays: Sinus Relief and Congestion Relief
These silver-colloid based, non-habit forming sprays have been a life-saver for me and many of my patients. They like them very much so they start passing them around to their loved ones and friends. They are that good!
Role of Stress in Allergy
Stress plays a major role in human disease. Various sources have estimated that up to 75% of all visits to physicians’ offices are stress-related. Stress is not only refers to psychological stresses, but also physical or physiological stresses including food allergies, food sensitivities, leading chronic inflammatory responses.
Home Care

  • Wearing a dust mask when venturing outdoors during Cedar Fever season
  • Installing a HEPA filter on air conditioning systems. Keeping indoor air free of pollens prevents allergy symptoms 
  • Vacuums with a HEPA filter
  • Frequent showers and clothes laundering 

Marshall Internal and External Environmental Influences in Allergic Diseases: J Amer Osteo Assoc. 2004; Vol104:No5:S1-S6
 Gendo K. Larson EB. Evidence-based diagnostic strategies for evaluation suspected allergic rhinitis. Ann Intern Med. 2004; 140: 278-289.

108 Years Old Doctor

Dr. Hara credited his longevity to daily application of okyu (moxibustion).

Dr. Hara credited his longevity to daily application of okyu (moxibustion).

There was a doctor who practiced medicine until he was 104 years old. 

His name is Shimetaro Hara, M.D. (photo at left). Born in Fukuoka, Japan in 1882.
Founder of Kashiihara Hospital in Fukuoka. (

He had been the oldest living Japanese man for two months when he passed away on June 18, 1991 at age of 108 years old. 

So what is his secret of his longevity?

…It is daily “Moxibustion.” 

Moxibustion (Moxa + combustion) is a heat application treatment on the acupuncture points with the use of a herb called “Moxa”(see photo at right). It is an essential part of Japanese-style Acupuncture. 

The purpose of moxibustion is to strengthen the blood, stimulate the flow of Qi (Chi), and enhance the immune system. 

At Kyushu University Medical School, Dr. Hara conducted moxibustion research including, “The Hematological Effects of Moxibustion.” In this study, he found moxibustion’s effects on increased white blood cell counts and enhanced phagocytic activity of the white blood cells.

After that, he became a lifelong advocate of moxibustion as a method of health promotion and freedom from disease.


He diligently practiced this method himself and proved its remarkable effects by living so long. There is an episode that when his son, also a medical doctor, caught a cold, Dr. Hara scolded his son of not doing moxibustion regularly.

Masako Wada, a licensed acupuncturist and Applied Clinical Nutritionist in Austin, Texas